Adaptive Faith

In what way do you think the Holy Spirit, the promised Advocate, helps you to adapt to unexpected change?

Read John 14:15-21.

Jesus offered these words of comfort to his friends on the night he would be betrayed and arrested. Everything would change after this night. Think back to an event in your life when everything changed. Did you have any idea it was coming? How did you respond when it did? How did you navigate the “new normal”? In what way do you think the Holy Spirit, the promised Advocate, helps you to adapt to unexpected change?

Following is a prayer written by the Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell: God of Steadfast Love, fear is moving fast in our world. The fear of power and control, the fear of disease, the fear of losing jobs and healthcare and education. Most of all, the fear of losing all that we had, the way of life we once took for granted, has shaken us to our core. Fear has wrapped its tendrils around us, but Your love helps us to shake free. Your steadfast love helps us to move forward boldly in faith, knowing that You overcame the worst of our fears at the cross. Nothing can ever be the same, but with You, we know that we can embrace the new life ahead. May Your steadfast love be made known to us, now and always, but especially during our times of trial. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


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