All You Need is Love

We express our love for God in the way we love our neighbor and we can’t love our neighbor if we do not love ourselves.

Read Matthew 22:34-40.

Once again, Jesus is tested by the religious authorities. They believe they have the perfect way to finally pin him down, but Jesus has a special gift for silencing his critics. When asked to choose the most important commandment, Jesus chooses two: love God with every part of your being and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus is doubling down on the claim that the center of God is love and that love of God, neighbor, and self are interconnected. We express our love for God in the way we love our neighbor and we can’t love our neighbor if we do not love ourselves.

In what ways do you express love for God, neighbor, or self? To what degree do you agree that love for God, self, and neighbor cannot be separated? Which of the three challenges you the most?

Offer a prayer of blessing for someone you have a hard time loving.


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