…and the wisdom to know the difference.

What qualities in a leader do you respect?

Read 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14.

Solomon recognizes that it is through the power and influence of God that he is now king. Knowing he is favored by God, knowing he is righteous and faithful, and knowing whose son he is, Solomon could have asked for anything. His request tells us what is most important to him and what he believes will make him a great leader: the wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong. God grants his request, elevating him to the standard by which all wisdom is measured. He woke from his dream and immediately went about using and developing the wisdom for which he had asked.

If you suddenly found yourself in a powerful position of leadership and could make one request of God, what would you ask? What qualities in a leader do you respect? When you have had leadership roles at work, in the church, or in an organization, how do you think people would have described your leadership style?

Today, pray for leaders at all levels of the government, the church, and any organization with which you are involved.


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