Be Careful What You Wish For

Despite the warnings, Israel persisted in asking for a king and that’s what they were given.

Read 1 Samuel 8:4-20.

For generations, the Hebrews had a series of judges whose leadership helped to govern their lives together. In the generation after Samuel, though, this began to unravel as his sons became corrupt, taking bribes and “perverting justice” (vs. 3). Looking at the nations around them, they decided what they needed was a king. Speaking through Samuel, God, in essence, said, “Be careful what you wish for.” Despite the warnings, Israel persisted in asking for a king and that’s what they were given. While some of the kings were good kings, dedicated to serving and improving the lives of their subjects, true to the call of their faith, others were self-serving, vengeful, and violent.

Often, we look at what others have and think that’s what we need to feel satisfied and content. When those things fail to deliver, we are (not surprisingly) disappointed or maybe even harmed. How can we find satisfaction in life when things are not perfect? How willing are you to trust that you are where God wants you to be or doing the things God wants you to be doing – even when things don’t seem to be going so well? What can we learn from the experience of the Israelites?

Today, pray for a spirit of courage, faithfulness, and trust as you follow the path God has set before you.


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