Calm and Committed

As he is questioned, Jesus remains calm and committed to his mission, not striking back, not demeaning or belittling, not threatening.

Read John 18:1-19:42.

This reading takes us from Jesus’ betrayal by Judas to his death. Each step along the way highlights human sinfulness. As you read through the story, consider the sins of each character. Where do you see greed, violence, inaction, or indifference? Imagine yourself in the various scenes throughout the passage. In each, with whom do you most identify? When have you betrayed a loved one or a friend? When have you retaliated without thinking? When have you lied to protect yourself? When have you gotten caught up in mob mentality, connecting with others over a common perceived enemy?

Notice Jesus’ demeanor throughout his questioning by Annas, Caiaphas, and Pilate. He remains calm and committed to his mission, not striking back, not demeaning or belittling, not threatening. What does this teach us about the way of Jesus? In what ways do you feel called to imitate Jesus, especially in difficult or confrontational conversations?

Today, offer a prayer of confession for whatever sins you may have identified and find assurance in the promise of forgiveness.


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