Children of Light

When we open ourselves up to Jesus, we begin to realize we can no longer hide the parts of ourselves we would rather keep in the dark.

Read Ephesians 5:8-14.

When we open ourselves up to Jesus, we begin to realize we can no longer hide the parts of ourselves we would rather keep in the dark. Jesus, who is the light, shines into the deepest recesses of our spirits, and makes us want to shed those thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors that cause us shame. In verse 9 we read, “…for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true.”

What kind of fruit do your bear in your life and in your relationships? Is it the fruit of darkness or of light? Who is nourished by your fruit?

Offer this prayer (from “Everlasting God, You have given us this life in the hope we might make our world a little better, and make Your light known a little brighter. Help us to do this work You have called us to do. In the name of Christ, who was in the beginning with You, who walked this earth among us, and will come into this world in a new way, we pray. Amen.”


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