Dwelling Places

Solomon knows that God will not be contained.

Read 1 Kings 8:22-30 (31-53).

Mindful of God’s covenant with his father, David, Solomon is committed to walking steadfastly and faithfully before the Lord. Prior to this reading, he has built the temple and settled the ark in the holy of holies within the temple. The understanding was that this lavish location is now where God would dwell, but Solomon, in all his wisdom, knows that God will not be contained. “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Even heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, much less the house that I have built! (vs. 27).”

Sometimes we act as if encounters with God only happen in the building – that the only suitable place for worship, confession, and Christian accountability is within the walls of the church. If we pay attention, though, we can see the hand of God all around us: in the early morning birdsong, in laughter shared with a friend, in the sweetness of a summer peach, in an afternoon nap.

Today, look for evidence that “God is on the loose,” as I’ve heard it said. Offer a prayer of thanks each time you notice something.


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