Family Drama

It seems inevitable that every family will have its own share of conflict, but that doesn’t mean that God cannot redeem these situations.

Read Genesis 25:19-34.

After almost 20 years of marriage, Isaac and Rebekah finally conceive twins. Her pregnancy is anything but ideal and Rebekah calls upon the Lord for deliverance. Instead, the Lord tells her that not only are the brothers struggling within the womb, that will be the story of their entire relationship. Esau will use his brawn and Jacob will use his brain, and there will never be peace between the two.

This family’s story mirrors many of our own – infertility, sibling rivalry, parental favoritism…conflict. It seems inevitable that every family will have its own share of conflict, but that doesn’t mean that God cannot redeem these situations and teach us valuable lessons about peacemaking, personal accountability, and forgiveness.

Think about someone with whom you find yourself in conflict. What is your part in the problem? What would need to happen for the issue to be resolved? What might you learn from this situation?

In prayer, lift this person into God’s care and ask that God would redeem this relationship.


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