Paul has just shared his prayer for the church at Ephesus, that they may be strengthened by the Spirit, that Christ may dwell in their hearts, and that they would be rooted and grounded in love. Now in chapter 4, he begins to describe what a community empowered in this way might look like. Paul calls the church to unity that is maintained not in spite of the diversity with which each person has been gifted, but because of it.
The hallmarks of this ideal community of faith include humility and gentleness, peace and patience, speaking truthfulness in ways that reveal the love of Christ. Maturity in Christ, according to Paul here, is revealed in the understanding that the express purpose of the gifts each has been given is for building up a healthy, whole body rather than elevating one over another.
In what ways does our church function in healthy, mature ways? Which of the hallmarks of a unified body are easily seen in our church? Which ones need some work? How can you be a part of helping this ideal become a reality?
Today, pray for unity within the body of Christ, from individuals within the local church to the worldwide church as a whole.