Justice, Kindness, Humility

To live according to God’s will, the expectation is simple: to work towards a just and equitable world; to be kind in the way that God is kind to them; and trade pride and ego for humility.

Read Micah 6:1-8.

In these verses, God almost sounds like a long-suffering parent. First, in instructing Israel to plead its case before the mountains, it’s almost as if God is saying, “I don’t even want to hear it.” Then follows the, “After all I’ve done for you,” portion of the conversation. Finally, “I don’t ask for much.” Israel has gone astray once again and God reminds them that it’s not some showy sacrifice that will set things right. Instead, to live according to God’s will, the expectation is simple: to work towards a just and equitable world; to be kind in the way that God is kind to them; and trade pride and ego for humility.

These requirements may be simple, but they are not always easy. Of the three, which comes easiest – working for justice, showing kindness, or being humble? With which one do you struggle the most? How might the three requirements be connected or flow from each other?

Today, offer a prayer of commitment to doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly, asking God for the motivation and strength you may lack on your own.


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