Knit Together

Here, God is imagined as an artist who knits and weaves us into who we are to become.

Read Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18.

Here, God is again imagined as an artist who knits and weaves us into who we are to become. God knows our innermost selves, our fears and our failures, our hopes and our dreams. God was already at work in our lives even before our mothers knew about us. God knows the thoughts we are afraid to speak out loud. God equips us to be the right person for just the right moment. Often, it is not until afterwards that we can see God’s hand in situations where God has used us. This points us to a God who is always attentive and near.

Imagine God knitting you together in your mother’s womb. What do you think God had in mind for your life? How have you been gifted for the work of God’s kingdom? How eagerly are you using these gifts?

Pray for God’s vision to infuse you with a strong sense of purpose and to empower you for the work.


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