Life-Changing Events

Sometimes we have life events that drastically change the course of our lives.

Read Exodus 1:8-2:10.

“Now a new king arose over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.” In this one moment, everything changed for the Hebrew people. Everything that felt comfortable, safe, and routine would no longer be. Even joyous occasions like the birth of a child brought dread and danger. Sometimes we have life events that drastically change the course of our lives. Many of them are for the good, but some are not. Some feel like it is the end of the world as we know it.

Can you think of a specific event in your life that felt that way? What or who got you through it? In what way did you change? What did you learn? Who might be going through a time like that now and could use someone to come alongside them? How might you be a reminder of the steadfast love and presence of God in their lives?

In prayer, thank God for the strength and courage that has gotten you through difficult times and for the people who have accompanied you along the way.


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