Look Up and Live

To be saved, the Hebrews must look up at the bronze serpent – the symbol for their sin.

Read Numbers 21:4-9.

In this story, to be saved from the consequence of their complaining against God and Moses, the Hebrews must look up at the bronze serpent – the symbol for their sin. This implies acknowledging their sin, recognizing their need to be saved, and trusting that God would save them. While many were saved, we can imagine there were some who were too afraid to look away from the danger around them. Others might have been mired in guilt and shame, feeling themselves unworthy of being saved. A sense of independence and self-sufficiency may have prevented others from trusting God to save them.

With which group would you identify? Those who looked up and lived? Those held captive by fear? Those mired in guilt and shame? Those whose pride and ego kept them from truly surrendering to God’s saving power? If you were to make a symbol for the most pervasive sin in your life, what would it look like?

Offer a prayer of confession, trust in God’s power to redeem you, and find hope in fresh starts and new beginnings.


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