Looking Up, Looking Out

Sometimes, we get so caught up in our life of study, prayer, and worship, we forget that we’re called to something with it.

Read Acts 1:1-11.

After his death, resurrection, and many appearances to his followers, Jesus’ disciples are still asking the wrong questions. They still somehow believe the Messiah’s mission was about land and territory. Instead, he reminds them of their mission to be his witnesses and to spread the good news to “the ends of the earth.” After this awe-inspiring vision of Jesus being lifted into the clouds, the disciples just stand there, immobile, with mouths gaping open. It’s almost as if they don’t know what to do next. They don’t seem to know what their first step should be. And then the two men in white robes ask, “Why do you stand there looking up to heaven?” It’s almost as if they’re saying, “Don’t just stand there. Get going!”

Sometimes, we get so caught up in our life of study, prayer, and worship, we forget that we’re called to something with it. In what ways do you witness to the good news of Jesus Christ? What do you understand the good news to be?

In prayer, ask to be filled with, empowered, and fired up by the Holy Spirit so that you might share the life-giving, hope-filled good news of Jesus Christ.


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