
Both in Mary’s song and in Jesus’ ministry, we see the God who loves us as we are but does not leave us as we are.

Read Luke 1:46b-55.

Mary’s beautiful song is often called the “Magnificat,” from the Latin for “magnify.” Mary begins by celebrating what God has done for her in choosing her to bear the Savior and then moves on to what God is doing in taking on flesh and dwelling among us. Both in Mary’s song and in Jesus’ ministry, we see the God who loves us as we are but does not leave us as we are. In God’s kingdom, the rich and powerful are emptied and humbled. The poor and oppressed are filled and lifted. The playing field is leveled for all of God’s children.

Is humility something that comes easily to you? Are there situations in which pride has impacted your ability to view and respond to the world as God does? Where do you need God to lift you?

In prayer, consider how you might better magnify God in the way you think, speak, and act.


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