Never Alone

No matter how bad life gets, we can trust that we are not alone.

Read Psalm 22:25-31.

This is a surprising end to a psalm that begins with, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” In what must have been a time of desperation and fear, the psalmist reminds himself that even when it feels like he has been abandoned, God is still there, blessing and redeeming. God is the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. No matter how bad life gets, we can trust that we are not alone. Our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer walks the road with us, offering hope, peace, strength, and the courage we need to make it through to the other side of our suffering.

Think of the most difficult times in your life. In what ways or in what people did God show up for you? Who might need a reminder today that they are not alone in their struggle?

Offer that person and that situation to God in prayer. Commit yourself to a phone call, note, or visit as a way of reminding them that God is good and God is present.


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