New Creation

Today, take stock of the ways you have become a new creation, whether it has been slow, steady growth or a sudden change.

Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.

From the Wesley Study Bible: “Wesley adheres strictly to the original Greek text: ’if anyone be in Christ, there is a new creation.’ He adds, ‘Only the power that makes a world can make a Christian.’ By the power of God’s love communicated to us through Christ we are recreated, our dulled spiritual senses are reawakened…We can’t keep this good news to ourselves, says Wesley, but must become ambassadors for Christ to the whole world, God making his appeal through us.”

Today, take stock of the ways you have become a new creation, whether it has been slow, steady growth or a sudden change. What areas of your life might still need a little “recreating”?

In prayer, submit yourself to God, asking for a malleable spirit, open to being molded and shaped more fully into the image of Christ.


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