This reading serves to remind us that the work of Jesus didn’t end on the cross; it didn’t end with his resurrection; and it didn’t end at his ascension. Even now, Jesus continues to intercede on our behalf, offering the prayers we don’t realize we need and aligning our prayers with the will of God.
This is especially reassuring when we don’t know what to pray, when we feel we don’t have the right words, and when our prayers are completely off the mark. Think about some of the best “pray-ers” you know. How do they work prayer into their daily practice? What impact does their prayer practice seem to have on themselves and on the people around them? To what extent do you feel insecure about your own practice of prayer? Does it help to think that Jesus is taking your prayers and perfecting them on your behalf?
Today, offer a heartfelt prayer for yourself and for others, trusting that Jesus is acting as your intermediary.