In this dramatic story of Isaiah’s call into God’s service, he marvels at the splendor of the throne room, the glorious voices of the heavenly hosts singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” It’s no wonder he proclaims his unworthiness. “Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips who lives among people of unclean lips.”
There are times when I am around someone who seems to lead an exemplary spiritual life. I almost can’t help but compare myself to them and almost always, I put a spotlight on my own inadequacies. I begin to think of my shortcomings and my sin as insurmountable in rising to what God calls me to do and to be. Once Isaiah’s sin is burned away, he boldly answers God’s call with, “Here am I; send me!”
How does the promise of forgiveness and the cleansing of your sin affect your sense of worthiness to do the work of God? Can the same lips that speak words of judgment or anger also speak words of promise and hope?
Today, offer a confession for your sin, receive God’s forgiveness, and boldly offer yourself to God’s service.