Path to Hope

Through the grace of Jesus, we are on a hopeful path towards eternal salvation.

Read Romans 5:1-11.

According to Paul, because we have been justified by faith through the grace of Jesus, we are on a hopeful path towards eternal salvation. Still, there is life to live between our present justification and our future salvation. We can live peaceably despite any hardships that come our way because we are anchored in the steadfast love of God. We can look for the gifts of endurance, character, and hope that come from suffering, even while wishing the suffering away. We can find comfort in knowing we are not alone on the journey.

Can you think of a time in your life or in the life of another when difficulty led to growth? To what degree do you agree with the statement, “No pain, no gain”? How does the assurance of reconciliation with God in the present and the promise of eternal salvation affect the way you live today?

In prayer, lift any difficulties you are experiencing today and ask for the vision to see how God might be working through this situation to bring a measure of good.


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