Picking Up the Mantle

In this image-filled story, Elijah seems to understand it is time for his work to come to an end, but Elisha is not ready to let him go.

Read 2 Kings 2:1-14.

In this image-filled story, Elijah seems to understand it is time for his work to come to an end, but Elisha is not ready to let him go. There is not only the sense of emotional attachment, but it also seems he does not feel equipped to carry on the task of prophesying in God’s name. Elijah’s are big shoes to fill! In the fulfillment of the promise of a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, Elisha symbolically picks up Elijah’s mantle and steps into his new role.

What mantles (ministries in the church, family traditions, leadership roles in organizations) have you reluctantly picked up? Who has helped to prepare you for these roles? How has God equipped you? What mantle might you feel ready to pass along? How will you know when the time is right?

Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for those who have gone before you and for those who will come after you.


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