
How do you tend to respond to stress, burnout, or fatigue?

Read Mark 1:29-39.

After an exhausting day of healing people of their physical and spiritual ills, Jesus might have been tempted to sleep in. Instead, he got up early and spent time alone with God. He understood that for rest to truly be restorative, he needed to reconnect with his source of strength and power. Sometimes when I feel worn out, I check out. I mindlessly watch TV, scroll through social media, or shop online. Rarely do those habits serve to reenergize my spirit. It is when I am intentional about stepping away to reconnect with God that I find myself ready to step back into my calling with a sense of joy and purpose.

How do you tend to respond to stress, burnout, or fatigue? How helpful are these practices in restoring your energy and passion for what you feel called to do? What habits might be more beneficial?

Today, set aside time to take a breath, to listen deeply, and to reconnect with the life-giving power of God.


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