
Here, the psalmist offers praise for and confidence in God’s steadfast presence in life—experienced as shelter, rescue, and trustworthiness.

Read Psalm71:1-6.

Here, the psalmist offers praise for and confidence in God’s steadfast presence in life—experienced as shelter, rescue, and trustworthiness. Often, when we feel anxious or afraid, we behave as if we are alone in it. We try to manage, manipulate, or even avoid situations to offset the chance that things might turn out badly. It is usually in hindsight that we can see the worst didn’t happen, after all.

How differently might we experience stressful situations if we do what we can, but then trust God to handle the rest, even if handling it means accompanying us when the outcome is bad? When have you felt you needed a refuge or a fortress for safety and protection? When have you needed God to rescue you? How often does God need to rescue you from yourself—your destructive thoughts or your bad choices?

In prayer, thank God for God’s steadfast presence and release situations that only God can redeem.


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