
Consider how and why you might implement a Lenten practice this year.

Read Mark 1:9-15.

While we often think of Jesus’ time in the desert as some sort of test of his strength and ability to withstand temptation, there is more to it. This time away also empowered and prepared him for ministry. As we move through the 40 days of Lent, we are meant to remember Jesus’ time in the wilderness – not just the fact that Jesus, too, was tempted, but that he came out of that time prepared and equipped.

If you actively participate in a Lenten practice – either fasting from something or adding a new spiritual discipline – what is your hoped-for outcome? How would this practice empower and prepare you for ministry to the world around you? How would it equip you to more fully receive and share the Good News that comes on Easter?

Consider how and why you might implement a Lenten practice this year. Offer your efforts in prayer and trust that God will make something of it.


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