Scripture: Comfort and Guide

These verses celebrate the gift of scripture in guiding and comforting.

Read Psalm 119:137-144.

These verses celebrate the gift of scripture in guiding and comforting. In verse 140, we read, “Your promise is well tried, and your servant loves it.” In other words, even when it feels that they have been abandoned or forsaken by God, the promise of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness brings hope and joy to the psalmist. They believe that it is in the searching and understanding of scripture that they will find life.

When life gets hard, when you feel ‘small and despised,’ how often do you turn to the scriptures? Are there certain passages that you come back to time and again? How effective are they at giving you the courage to continue and the assurance that God is still walking with you?

As a form of prayer today, look up one verse that brings you comfort. Commit it to memory and anytime you begin to feel negatively towards yourself or towards another person or towards a certain situation, recite the verse quietly to yourself.


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