
We take comfort in knowing God is with us.

Read Psalm 23.

This is one of the best-known and revered texts in the Bible. In times of trouble or anxiety, these beginning lines remind us of God’s eternal and loving presence. We take comfort in knowing God is with us. The following lines remind us of God’s nearness even in facing death. “I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…you are with me.”

Was there a time this scripture reminded you of God’s faithfulness? How does God’s nearness draw you into a deeper, more trusting relationship with the Lord?

I invite you to join me in this prayer: Come my Light, and illumine my darkness. Come my Life, and revive me from death. Come my Physician, and heal my wounds. Come, Flame of divine love, and burn up the thorns of fear and doubt, binding my heart with the flame of your love. Come, my King, sit upon the throne of my heart and reign there. For thou alone art my King and my Lord. Amen. (based on a prayer by Dimitrii of Rostov)


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