To Follow or Not to Follow

When you have difficult decisions to make in life, what do you take into account?

Read Genesis 12:1-9.

When the Lord nudged Abram to leave behind everything that meant, “home,” there were no specific details other than, “I will bless you so that you will be a blessing.” Abram made the life-changing decision to go, taking with him his wife, his nephew, and his possessions, trusting God’s promise. Every sign along the way would have caused most people to turn back towards home. The promised land was already occupied by the Canaanites, and a famine set in shortly after they settled there, prompting another move to Egypt. Yet, at each stage, Abram built an altar as a symbol of his trust in God’s promise. It was not to be easy, but to be a blessing to untold others was, in Abram’s mind, worth it.

When you have difficult decisions to make in life, what do you take into account? Do you concentrate on the impact the decision will have just on you and the ones closest to you, or do you consider the broader implications? When the going gets tough, do you have a tendency to give up or do you stay the course? Can you think of a time when you questioned a decision you had made, but felt God’s presence and guidance, despite your doubts?

Today, consider what step in faith God might be calling you to make. In prayer, ask for a trusting heart that is willing to see the journey through.


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