Too Wonderful for Me

There is nowhere we can go to escape the presence and love of God.

Read Psalm 139.

In this psalm, David paints this beautiful picture of a God who intimately knows us at the deepest levels even better than we know ourselves. This is a God who created us and gifted us to make our own unique contribution in the world. This is a God who accompanies us through every up and down of life. There is nowhere we can go to escape the presence and love of God. This truth surely makes God worthy of praise and adoration.

But then, right in the middle, we see that David can’t help but sneak in a little human nature. “God you are so great and mighty, I shall praise you with every breath! But, by the way, can you take care of the people I deem as wicked?” How often do you find yourself heading down the path of negativity when you are trying to be positive? How often, in your private prayers, does your mind wander towards what is wrong with the world or towards some sort of personal grievance? How might you keep your heart and mind centered on praise and thanksgiving?

Offer a prayer of praise by listening to or singing a favorite hymn or song. Bonus points for dancing!


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