Who Do You Think You Are?

How does humility play into your acts of faith and discipleship?

Read John 1:6-8, 19-28.

Here, John is confronted by the same question Jesus will later be asked. “Who do you think you are?” John must know the significance of what he’s doing, but he refuses to boost his own ego and resists any urge to be impressive. Instead, his words mirror the way he lives – simple and humble. There is no hint of self-importance in John’s testimony. He simply continues to point to Jesus – to the Light that will refuse to be overcome by darkness.

In what ways does your life testify to the light? How do the words you choose to say, the messages you choose to listen to, or the posts you choose to share cast light into the darkness of the world? Do they contribute to healing or do they have the capacity to harm? How does humility play into your acts of faith and discipleship?

Today, spend some time answering this question: “Who do you think you are?” Listen for the Spirit’s answer.


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