Wonderful Works

“Remember the wonderful works he has done." (Psalm 105:5)

Read Psalm 105:1-6,16-22.

In verse 5, the psalmist cries, “Remember the wonderful works he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he has uttered.” The story of Joseph is a perfect example of God’s miraculous work. Enslaved after being sold by his brothers, God continued to work through Joseph, giving him wisdom and insight, gifts he used to store up grain in the plentiful years so that when famine came, there was enough for everyone – even the brothers who had betrayed him so spectacularly.

Can you think of a time when God continued to use you as a blessing for others, even as you went through a difficult time in your own life? How can using your gifts to help others bring healing and hope for your own struggles? What wonderful works, miracles, and judgements of God are worth remembering?

Today, ask God for the insight to store up the gifts of today in your memory so that when the inevitable lean times come, you will remember God’s blessings.


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