
Love and belonging is a universal need.

Read Song of Solomon 2:8-13.

This book is unique in a couple of ways. First, it is one of only two books in which there is no mention of God. Secondly, in this book, we hear the woman’s voice just as clearly and powerfully as we hear the man’s. It speaks of mutual, equitable relationship. Taken at face value, this is a book that speaks of human connection and longing for love. No matter how that takes shape in individual lives, love and belonging is a universal need. In this passage, the woman anticipates a reconnection with her beloved. Just as winter gives way to spring, this reunion will bring freshness, new life, and promise.

Think of someone with whom you have/had a deep, loving connection. It could have been a romantic relationship or a friendship or one with a special family member. Can you remember the anticipation of spending time with this person after a time apart? How did that feel? What were your hopes? Were you able to still recognize the blessing of the relationship when it wasn’t perfect? What lessons came from both the great times and the difficult times? How has that relationship shaped you?

Today, offer a prayer of thanks and of blessing for the person that has come to mind.


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