Hard to Follow

With which teachings of Jesus do you struggle?

Read John 6:56-69.

This is the last of our readings on the Bread of Life for a while (thank goodness?!). We aren’t the only ones who are kind of tired of hearing about it – who are ready for Jesus to change the subject. Even some of his disciples found the teaching of Jesus hard to understand and, maybe even more importantly, hard to follow. While much of what Jesus says and does is about bringing comfort and reminding people that they are valued, worthy, and loved, he challenges and stretches too. Sometimes his words convict us or seem counterintuitive.

With which teachings of Jesus do you struggle – those about wealth, about anger, about forgiveness, about generosity, about authority, about religious and cultural tradition, about who is welcome in the Lord’s circle…?

Offer a prayer of confession for those times when you try and fail, or you ignore or you refuse to go along with Jesus’ teaching and example.


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