Got Fish

Despite any fear or reservation, the disciples gave Jesus a piece of fish.

Read Luke 24:36-48.

This reading reminds us that resurrection is more than just a spiritual reality, but also is also revealed in flesh and bone, in hands and feet, in daily activities like shared meals and feeding someone who is hungry. The living Christ stands before us in the form of friends, family, and stranger. Despite any fear or reservation, the disciples gave Jesus a piece of fish.

What fears or reservations keep you from open-heartedly engaging with others or responding to an expressed need? What difference might it make if you looked for Jesus in the faces of not only the people you love, but in the stranger, in the refugee, in someone experiencing homelessness, addiction, or mental illness, etc.?

Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the ways Jesus continues to show up – not only in the spiritual realm, but in tangible ways. Commit yourself to responding with love and openness to the God-print in all people.


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