Looking Inside

In what ways do you find yourself judging others only by what is visible?

Read 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13.

In this reading, Saul has been rejected by God as the king of Israel because he was not obedient to God’s command. Samuel, in his grief over this turn of events, is sent to anoint a new king. The Lord sends him to Bethlehem, to the home of Jesse, one of whose sons God has chosen to be the next king. Beginning with the oldest and working his way through the sons, each one looks bigger, stronger, and more capable than the last. Imagine everyone’s surprise when it is little David, the youngest brother, who God has chosen. In his search, Samuel is instructed that while people look at outward appearances, the Lord looks at the heart.

In what ways do you find yourself judging others only by what is visible? Have you ever had an experience when you judged a person on their outward appearance only to find you were wrong? If a person were to look at you without getting to know anything about you, what might they get wrong? In what ways is your heart – the core of your being – visible to others?

Today, pray for a willingness to look more deeply and learn more about a person that you otherwise might discount. Make an effort to look at people through God’s eyes.


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