
In this reading, we find two different groups: those who receive the healing power of Jesus and those who resist it.

Read Mark 6:1-13.

In this reading, we find two different groups: those who receive the healing power of Jesus and those who resist it. It should be no surprise that there was less success with those who resisted. This passage also tells us something about Jesus. Throughout the gospels, every time Jesus heals someone, it is because he has been invited into the illness, the suffering, the grief, etc.

Sometimes, even though the physical ailment was the presenting problem, the real healing had more to do with restored community or relationships. If we trust Jesus not only to have the power to heal, but also to know what healing really needs to take place, then we will find ourselves among those who went away whole.

Today, consider something in your life that needs to be healed. It might be a physical ailment, but it may also be a relationship, a broken heart, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, apathy, or any number of “conditions.” Invite Jesus into this difficulty and open yourself up to the power of his healing love.


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