The Science of Creation

This entire psalm is a celebration of God as Creator. The psalmist marvels at the ordering of the universe and how deeply interconnected it all is.

Read Psalm 104.

This entire psalm is a celebration of God as Creator. The psalmist marvels at the ordering of the universe and how deeply interconnected it all is. The rains water the grass on which the cattle feed and the rains water the trees in which the birds nest. The wild animals do their hunting at night while people are tucked away in their beds, allowing people to move about safely during the day while the wild animals rest.

It’s always puzzling to me when people suggest that a person must choose between science and faith. I view science as the revelation of God’s incredible care and attention to the ordered universe. As science gives us a deeper understanding of how things work, I am more in awe of what God has done and continues to do. Trusting science does nothing to undermine my feelings of wonder and awe at God’s handiwork. It does nothing to take away from the mystery of God’s ability to bring life from nothingness, to bring light from darkness, to bring balance from chaos.

Today, as you see the blue of the sky, feel the sunshine on your face, or take a sip of cold water, consider everything that God has brought together for you to be able to enjoy that. Offer a prayer of praise.


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