Warm Welcome

Welcoming a disciple of Jesus means receiving the very presence of Jesus himself and of the one who sent him, God the Father.

Read Matthew 10:40-42.

In the ancient world, identity was tied to family and community. It was understood that in showing hospitality, one welcomed not just an individual, but implicitly, the community who sent the person and all that they represent. Therefore, welcoming a disciple of Jesus would mean receiving the very presence of Jesus himself and of the one who sent him, God the Father.

I wonder how we might receive a disciple of Jesus that was sent out with no means to care for themselves. Would we listen to their teaching, or would we reject them? Would we give them something to eat, or would we act like we don’t see them? Would we offer them a drink of water or would we drive on by? How different would we respond if we expectantly looked for Christ in all people?

Say a prayer asking God that you might see Jesus wherever you look.


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