
It is the witness of others that has brought many of us to our own belief.

Read Psalms 78:1-4, 12-16.

In this reading, the psalmist is witnessing to their faith, based on God’s activity in the past. In essence, they are saying, “We can trust God now because God has always been faithful.” It is the witness of others that has brought many of us to our own belief. When people identify God as the strength that got them through a hard time, as the inspiration behind an idea that made all the difference, or as the guiding force behind bringing the right people together, it invites others to imagine what God might be up to in their own lives.

How comfortable are you with sharing your own experience of God with others – especially those outside your inner circle of family and friends? To what degree is the way you speak and act a witness to what you believe about God?

Today, commit yourself to witnessing to your faith in Jesus through an act of kindness or through a word of support.


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